
UTAH is very simple in terms of testing reliably and being able to reproduce a test run in a consistent manner. A command line specifies the test environment, type of machine to test on and a runlist. Then wait for it to finish and analyze the results.

UTAH can drive testing on whichever machine it is running or on a different one, by provisioning it with a particular provisioning method.

WARNING: Your machine will be modified, not to interfere with your current set-up or virtualized environment, so UTAH will create a new user called utah with sudo privileges to run the tests and have an inventory of existing VMs that you could be interested in for running tests.


There are some dependencies that need to be met in order to test with VMs, in a nutshell:

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:utah/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install utah

This will install the provisioning code as well as the test runner. To install just the test runner, install the utah-client package.

Provision and Test

Using a Touch Device

usage: [-h] [-s SERIAL] [--skip-install] [-r REVISION]
                           [--current] [--ubuntu-bootstrap] [--developer-mode]
                           [--channel CHANNEL] [--preserve] [--skip-network]
                           [-n NETWORK_FILE] [--skip-utah] [-b BRANCH]
                           [-e ENV] [--ppa PPA] [--results-dir RESULTS_DIR]
                           [--pull PULL] [-l RUNLIST] [-d DISCONNECTED]
                           [--device DEVICE] [--from-host] [--whoopsie]

Provisions a device for UTAH testing.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        Android serial ID of device
  --skip-install        Skip running the phablet-flash install.
  -r REVISION, --revision REVISION
                        series/revision to install
  --current             Use the "current" image rather than "pending".
  --ubuntu-bootstrap    Use the images.
  --developer-mode      Allow write access system-image partitions.
  --channel CHANNEL     Use an alternative channel for system-image.
  --preserve            Preserve the systems user data when flashing.
  --skip-network        Skip setting up wifi settings on device.
  -n NETWORK_FILE, --network-file NETWORK_FILE
                        Specify network manager config file for wifi. If none
                        is specified we'll try and use the default wifi
                        configuration found on host system.
  --skip-utah           Skip install the utah-client on device.
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        Install UTAH client on device from branch.
  -e ENV, --env ENV     Environment variables to set for utah-client.
  --ppa PPA             Specify an alternative PPA for utah.
  --results-dir RESULTS_DIR
                        Directory to store results in on the host.
  --pull PULL           A file or directory to copy into the hosts's results-
                        dir after UTAH has been run. This option can be
                        specified multiple times.
  -l RUNLIST, --runlist RUNLIST
                        The utah runlist to execute
                        Uses the supplied script to disconnect USB while UTAH
                        is executed.
  --device DEVICE       The Android device type.
  --from-host           Executes from the host (the runlist must talk to the
                        target using ADB.
  --whoopsie            Run whoopsie-upload-all after the test to to ensure
                        complete .crash files are uploaded.

Using an x86 Virtual Machine

usage: [-h] [-m MACHINETYPE] [-v VARIANT]
                         [--skip-provisioning] [-s SERIES] [-t TYPE] [-a ARCH]
                         [-n] [-d] [-j] [-f FILES] [-o OUTDIR] [--dumplogs]
                         [--outputpreseed] [-i IMAGE] [-p PRESEED] [-b BOOT]
                         [--rewrite {all,minimal,casperonly,none}] [-k KERNEL]
                         [-r INITRD] [--name NAME] [-e EMULATOR] [-x XML]
                         [-g GIGABYTES] [--diskbus DISKBUS] [-l LOGPATH]

Provision a machine and run a runlist there.

positional arguments:
  runlist               URLs of runlist files to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Type of machine to provision (physical, virtual)
                        (Default is virtual)
  -v VARIANT, --variant VARIANT
                        Variant of architecture, i.e., armel, armhf
  --skip-provisioning   Reuse a system that is already provisioned (name
                        argument must be passed)
  -s SERIES, --series SERIES
                        Series to use for installation (lucid, precise,
                        quantal, raring, saucy, trusty, utopic) (Default is
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  Install type to use for installation (desktop, server,
                        mini, alternate) (Default is mini)
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH  Architecture to use for installation (i386, amd64,
                        arm) (Default is amd64)
  -n, --no-destroy      Preserve VM after tests have run
  -d, --debug           Enable debug logging
  -j, --json            Enable json logging (default is YAML)
  -f FILES, --files FILES
                        File or directory to copy from test system
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        Directory to store locally copied files (Default is
  --dumplogs            Write client output logs to standard out
  --outputpreseed       Copy preseed to logs directory and list as log file in
  -i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
                        Image/ISO file to use for installation
  -p PRESEED, --preseed PRESEED
                        Preseed file to use for installation
  -b BOOT, --boot BOOT  Boot arguments for initial installation
  --rewrite {all,minimal,casperonly,none}
                        Set level of automatic configuration rewriting
                        (Default is all)
  -k KERNEL, --kernel KERNEL
                        Kernel file to use for installation
  -r INITRD, --initrd INITRD
                        InitRD file to use for installation
  --name NAME           Name of machine to provision
  -e EMULATOR, --emulator EMULATOR
                        Emulator to use (kvm and qemu are supported, kvm will
                        be favored if available)
  -x XML, --xml XML     XML VM definition file (Default is /etc/utah/default-
  -g GIGABYTES, --gigabytes GIGABYTES
                        Size in gigabytes of virtual disk, specify more than
                        once for multiple disks (Default is [8])
  --diskbus DISKBUS     Disk bus to use for customvm installation (virtio,
                        sata, ide) (Default is virtio)
  -l LOGPATH, --logpath LOGPATH
                        Directory used to write log files to

For example:
Provision a VM using a precise server image with i386 architecture and run the given runlist -s precise -t server -a i386 \