UTAH and autopilot

How do I run autopilot test cases through UTAH in a touch image?

To run autopilot test cases in a touch image through UTAH the following steps would be needed:

  • Write UTAH a test suite that includes the autopilot test cases

    The easiest way to write the test suite, is to use a dynamic runlist as was described in the tslist.auto section. The reason for this is that it isn’t needed to update the test suite if some test case is added/removed/renamed in the autopilot code. Thanks to the discovery command, there’s no need to explicitly set the list of test cases.

    Note that a setup script should be added to install additional packages that might be required like, for example, autopilot-touch.

  • Write UTAH a runlist that includes the test suite

    When writing a runlist, note that it’s possible to let the touch device get the test suite using the bzr-export fetch method or do that outside of the device, push it to a /tmp location and let the device use the dev fetch method. Currently, the recommended option is the second one because it’s more reliable.

Once the runlist is ready, the device has to be provisioned. This includes flashing the image, configuring the network and installing the UTAH client packages:

run_utah_phablet.py --skip-install --skip-network \
    -s <serial> --ppa ppa:utah/stable

After the device is provisioned, any files that are expected to be in the device like the ones for the test suite have to be pushed and the test case can be executed:

/usr/bin/run_utah_phablet.py --skip-install --skip-network --skip-utah \
    -s <serial> --results-dir <results_dir> --runlist <remote_runlist>

How does run_utah_phablet.py work?


Before really running the autopilot test cases, run_utah_phablet.py performs the following actions:

  • Write /usr/local/bin/utah-autorun.sh into the device. This script:

    • Looks into the working directory (/etc/utah/autorun) for executable files
    • Moves them one by one to /var/cache/utah/autorun/inprogress
    • Runs them
    • Moves them to /var/cache/utah/autorun/complete
    • Renames them to a suffix with their completion timestamp
  • Write /etc/init/run_utah.conf. This is an upstart job description file that launches /usr/local/bin/utah-autorun.sh when the run_utah event is emitted and writes its output to /tmp/utah.log.

  • Write /usr/local/bin/utah-autopilot into the device. This is a script that makes sure that permissions to /dev/uinput are correctly set and wraps autopilot to make sure it’s called using the phablet user. To use this script, it must be explicitly called as a comment in the test suite as shown in the following tslist.auto file from the web browser application smoke tests:

      discovery_cmd: "autopilot list webbrowser_app | grep webbrowser_app | sed -e 's/^.*webbrowser_app.tests.//'"
      test_cmd: utah-autopilot run -v webbrowser_app.tests.{}
  • Write a script to /etc/utah/autorun/01_run-utah that calls utah with the required runlist and enables/disables the shell if needed.

  • Launch a process to capture /var/log/syslog and write it to stdout.

  • Emit the run_utah event.


Once the run_utah event is emitted, is when all the preparation work comes into play. Specifically:

  • The upstart job defined in /etc/init/run_utah.conf is triggered.
  • /usr/local/bin/utah-autorun.sh is executed and the output written to /tmp/utah.log.
  • /etc/utah/autorun/01_run-utah is found in the working directory.
  • /etc/utah/autorun/01_run-utah is moved to /var/cache/utah/autorun/inprogress.
  • /etc/utah/autorun/01_run-utah is executed.
  • /usr/bin/utah is launched with the runlist passed to run_utah_phablet.py.
  • /usr/local/bin/utah-autopilot is called for each autopilot test case found by the discovery command.
  • /etc/utah/autorun/01_run-utah is moved to /var/cache/utah/autorun/complete.


Once the test cases have been executed, run_utah_phablet.py takes care of the following actions:

  • Pull /var/lib/utah/utah.yaml from the device to the results directory.
  • Pull /tmp/utah.log from the device to the results directory.
  • Pull any other result files from the device that might have been requested.